Tuesday, January 12, 2010

art -- brick

Last Friday I felt grouchy and out-of-sorts; don't like to be that way. That happens. Something lets you down, or you get negative "vibes."

Friday night, I finished my part-time work at the Episcopal Church. Listened to "The Sopranos" intro music ("Woke Up This Morning"), and Saturday night, watched "Notorious"-- (Hitchcock directed; Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman starred -- such a great movie). I think it qualifies as "noir" -- film noir -- because of the use of shadows and shades of inky darkness. Black - and - white films were so great for noir; although, noir can be done in color -- i.e., "Body Heat."

I was thinking: if something makes me feel bad, music and movies always are helpful toward letting me feel better -- Music or movies or other kinds of art -- good book, poetry, good TV -- theater, if we were someplace where they have that...And paintings, don't want to forget pure visual aesthetics.

Art is the answer to Life.
Art makes things better, after situations or people make things worse.

I say I don't know about interior design, but the truth is, at this point in my life I DO know -- at least I "know what I like" as the saying goes....

HGTV last weekend showed a couple making "improvements" to a house -- they took a room that had a wall of exposed brick and they

covered it up with dry - wall.

! ! ! ? ? !

I was really, really surprised. If I had exposed brick in a room of my house I would be grateful and joyful, and I would decorate around-and-with that.

I couldn't believe they covered it up.

I guess I don't have the same taste as whoever is in charge of doing things at HGTV. And surely they have more professional qualifications than I do. That makes me feel like I should agree with them and admire whatever they show, but --

it's actually good that I have enough confidence in my own preferences and taste.


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