Tuesday, March 2, 2010


In several different biographies of Jacqueline Kennedy, I've read this same anecdote:
Sometime during the days right after the assassination, when the First Lady was preparing to move, she had a conversation with White House Chief Usher J.B. West.
She is said to have asked him, "My children, Mr. West. They're good children, aren't they?"
"Yes, Mrs. Kennedy, they are."
"They're not spoiled?"
"No, they're not."
And then she either touched his hand, or got tears in her eyes (something like that), and said, "Oh Mr. West -- will you be my friend for life?"
The first time I read that, some years ago, my initial response was -- "friend for life -- geez, what're you talkin' about -- she probably never saw the guy again..."
Funny how experience changes your perspective.
I think back then, a "friend" was someone I trusted, probably without good reason, and with whom I had lunch or whatever.
Now, though challenges etc. in my life are not as big or important (or heart-breaking, shocking) as having your husband murdered in the car seat next to you -- still, reading that over, I do not have the "what're you talking about" perspective that I had then.
Mr. West answered, "Yes, Mrs. Kennedy, I will."
And today I can imagine how she felt.

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