Monday, May 10, 2010

Voh Cab You Larry

Episodes of "The Sopranos" this weekend on A & E Channel:
they cut the f-word and other obscenities on that channel --
consequently the dialogue in this particular show ends up sounding
all --
rrmh [blank space] [sputter] [meaningless syllable] b-b-b
"mother jumper"...

a LOT of missing Audio.

From what could make out, however -- noticed
a joke-style, or type, that they used on "All In The Family."
Archie Bunker used to get words wrong...

A few weeks ago Tony's (nephew, I think) referred enthusiastically to -- "saw you in Law & Order, The S-U-V..."

yesterday -- Tony, commiserating with a widow -- "What with Vito passing, and all that that entrailed..."
(Entrail = guts -- Tony meant "entailed"...
no laugh track on that show, to tell us, or lead us, in response, so the audience has to be listening...)
I wish I could remember some of Archie Bunker's fabulous blunders -- something about these modern films with "nudidity" in them...


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