Tuesday, November 2, 2010

hip hop and the holy spirit

Saturday night I got to hear Haiti Boy White Boy perform live, in a local nightclub.
(Urban legends say there are a lot of fights there; but there were no fights while I was there.)

Haiti Boy White Boy is a hip-hop duo.
One young lady in the club who knows me from work asked, incredulously,
"You like this??!?"
When I was in junior high I began collecting a few 45s and albums, loaning & borrowing different ones, with other girls. My dad would say, "That's not music, that's just noise."
Because it was rock.
(Or -- maybe, at that age, it was "rock-lite.")
Once when I was between 25 and 30, I think, I heard something particularly obnoxious on MTV and heard myself think, "That's not music, that's just..."
And I made myself stop, and promised myself that while I may not like every song, or every artist, I made a promise to my -- my own life, that I wasn't going to say that sentence, about the music being "noise" and instead was going to stay open to whatever the new generations listen to and at least find something positive to think about it, and try to understand why they like it.
Plus, if someone I know personally is performing music,
I'm there.
Also in the nightclub, someone I used to know came up to me and said, "I wondered, 'Can I talk to her?'" Of course you can talk to me! -- (I thought she had moved away, out of state. Somebody had told me that, with great authority: "She moved. She's not here anymore. She went back.")
Uh -- I don't think so.
Misinformation emerges frequently.
Sometimes I think the more Information we are bombarded by, the less of it is at all reliable.
Haiti Boy White boy = Talent.
They've got something.
The holy spirit -- whatever.
Check out their videos on YouTube.

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