Friday, December 30, 2011

feel the love

Interesting article about Verizon with their $2 fee idea --
they "ran it by" consumers,
then had to
-- RUN...!

Customer comments:
"We at Verizon take great care to listen to our customers." Yeah, right. Feel the love....

What a bunch of greedy stupid idiots. And these people are running Veriozon?
With all the uemployed I would think it would be easy to find qualified replacements for these clowns.

Amazing how good things happen when the Disaster-in-Chief is busy golfing in Hawaii and the worthless Congress has disbanded to the boonies.

The real people spoke and won.

Now, let's speak again in November and throw all the do-nothing's out!!!

These big corporations (such telecom, airlines etc) need to be broken up so that consumers get a better deal.

Don't you remember that we did?
MA Bell spin- offs of all the Baby Bells?
Wall St. And big biz made billions and now, here we are again!

It is a whole new game with social media. Ten years ago Verizon would have slipped this junk fee in without much notice until it was too late. Times have changed. Good job activists!

I love it. I remember the "fee to pay fee" in other contexts but I cannot recall now what it was. It is abhorrent.

This is refreshing. Consumers can still effect change, and social media provides the weapon to do so.

[Comments from The Washington Post, Dec. 30, 2011]


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