Wednesday, December 19, 2012

cost-benefit analysis...

"Rep. Yarmuth willing to 'lose seat' over stance on gun control"
is a headline currently on the internet --
what the Kentucky representative discusses in that news story is basically an example of what the book Profiles in Courage is about.

It's where the person takes a stand on something he really believes is right for our country, and for people, in spite of the fact that it may be super-unpopular with some vocal groups.  By taking the stand, he risks not being re-elected.

John F. Kennedy wrote the book during 1954 and 1955 while recuperating from back surgery and complications.

It was published, 1957.

That book was always around when our generation was growing up.  I didn't read it -- someone told me what the -- theme of it was....

In the introduction to the current paperback edition of the book, Caroline Kenendy wrote, "Because my father studied history, and understood the complexity of courage, he understood its simple power as well.  He believed that telling the stories of those who act on principle regardless of the cost [to themselves] can help inspire future generations to follow their example....

Our family has honored my father's commitment to public service by celebrating that commitment in others.  In 1989, we established the Profile in Courage Award, presented annually to an elected official who stands fast for the ideals upon which this country was founded, often at great personal risk...

For example, President Gerald Ford received the Profile in Courage Award for his pardon of Richard Nixon.  Ford realized that America needed to begin healing from the wounds of Watergate, and that he was the only man who could make that possible.  One month after Ford became president, he pardoned Nixon, knowing that it could cost him the presidency.  He lost to Jimmy Carter by a narrow margin in 1976."


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