Friday, October 19, 2018

never compromise with the mystery tramp

     About a week ago Tom Nichols, a professor at the U.S. Naval War College, wrote an article for The Atlantic --

[excerpt 1]

-------------------- I spent nearly 40 years as a Republican, a relationship that began when I joined a revitalized GOP that saw itself not as a victim but as the vehicle for lifting America out of the wreckage of the 1970s, defeating the Soviet Union, and extending human freedom at home and abroad. ---------------

[excerpt 2]

---------------- But whatever my concerns about liberals, the true authoritarian muscle is now being flexed by the GOP, in a kind of buzzy, steroidal McCarthyism that lacks even anti-communism as a central organizing principle.  

The Republican Party, which controls all three branches of government and yet is addicted to whining about its own victimhood, is now the party of situational ethics and moral relativism in the name of winning at all costs.

So I'm out.  The Trumpers and the hucksters and the consultants and the hangers-on, like a colony of bees that exist only to sting and die, have swarmed together in a dangerous but suicidal cloud, and when that mindless hive finally extinguishes itself in a blaze of venom, there will be nothing left. ------------------------- [end, excerpts / Nichols article, 2018]


[Hunter Thompson, 1973, excerpt] ---------------------- How long, O Lord . . . How long?  Where will it end?  The only possible good that can come of this wretched campaign is the ever-increasing likelihood that it will cause the Democratic Party to self-destruct.  A lot of people are seriously  worried about this, but I am not one of them.  

I have never been much of a Party Man myself. . . and the more I learn about the realities of national politics, the more I'm convinced that the Democratic Party is an atavistic endeavor -- more an Obstacle than a Vehicle -- and that there is really no hope of accomplishing anything genuinely new or different in American politics until the Democratic Party is done away with.



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