Tuesday, February 25, 2020

wake the nation

------------------------- [excerpt from Hunter Thompson's Fear And Loathing:  On The Campaign Trail '72] -------------------------- 

After months of quasi-public brooding on the Whys and Wherefores of the disastrous beating he absorbed last November, McGovern seems finally to have bought the Conventional Wisdom -- 

that his campaign was doomed from the start:  

conceived in a fit of hubris, born in a momentary power-vacuum that was always more mirage than reality, borne along on a tide of frustration churned up by liberal lint-heads and elitist malcontents in the Eastern Media Establishment, and finally bashed into splinters on the reefs of at least two basic political realities that no candidate with good sense would ever have tried to cross in the first place.... To wit:

(1) Any incumbent President is unbeatable, except in a time of mushrooming national crisis or a scandal so heinous -- and with such obvious roots in the White House -- as to pose a clear and present danger to the financial security and/or physical safety of millions of voters in every corner of the country.

(2) The "mood of the nation," in 1972, was so overwhelmingly vengeful, greedy, bigoted and blindly reactionary that no presidential candidate who even faintly reminded "typical voters" of the fear & anxiety they'd felt during the 

constant "social upheavals" of the Sixties 

had any chance at all of beating Nixon last year -- not even Ted Kennedy -- because the "pendulum effect" that began with Nixon's slim victory in '68 was totally irreversible by 1972. ----------------------- [end, excerpt]


Let! - The river run!

Let all the dreamers

Wake the nation

Come, the New Jerusalem

Sil - ver cities rise
The morning lights,
The streets that meet them,
And sirens call them on -- 
With a song --

On You Tube, type in 

let the river run 

------------------ "Let The River Run" by Carly Simon will probably come up right at the top with 9.3M views:


...It's asking for the taking --
Trembling, shaking --
Oh, my heart is aching!

We're coming to the edge,
Running on the water,
Coming through the fog
Your sons and daughters

We -- the great and small --

Stand on a star

And blaze a trail of desire

Through the dark'ning dawn...

It's asking -- for the taking
Come, run with me now,
The sky is the color of blue
You've never even seen
In the eyes of your lover --

Oh, my heart is aching --

We're coming to the edge!
Running on the water!
Coming through the fog,
Your sons and daughters!...

Let -- the river run (the river run)...


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