Friday, October 16, 2020

"but we are not helpless"


from The Guardian

"US election:  Rudy Giuliani's daughter endorses Joe Biden"

------------------- [from the article] ------------ Rudy Giuliani's daughter has endorsed Joe Biden for president in an essay for Vanity Fair, writing that in this historic election "none of us can afford to be silent".

     ...Caroline Giuliani writes that since childhood she has engaged in debates with her father about LGBTQ rights, policing and other issues.

"It felt important to speak my mind, and I'm glad we at least managed to communicate at all.  But the chasm was painful nonetheless, and has gotten exponentially more so in Trump's era of chest-thumping partisan tribalism.  

I imagine many Americans can relate to the helpless feeling this confrontation cycle created in me, but we are not helpless.  I may not be able to change my father's mind, but together, we can vote this toxic administration out of office."

Rudy Giuliani, the former mayor of New York, is a personal lawyer to Donald Trump and has been one of the president's loudest endorsers, whether during the Russian investigation, the president's impeachment or the coronavirus crisis. ...

"If being the daughter of a polarizing mayor who became the president's personal bulldog has taught me anything, it is that corruption starts with 'yes-men' and women, the cronies who create an echo chamber of lies and subservience to maintain their proximity to power," his daughter writes.

"We have to stand and fight," she argues.  "The only way to end this nightmare is to vote.  There is hope on the horizon, but we'll only grasp it if we elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris."



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