Monday, February 7, 2022

only sauerkraut tastes good warmed up


L to R:  Kim Cattrall and Sarah Jessica Parker, in the original Sex And The City TV-series

The makers of Sex And The City have made another show (a reboot?  a sequel?) titled And Just Like That.

It's on an HBO channel that I don't have, so I've not been able to watch it.  But if I want to watch people dissing this show, all I have to do is go to You Tube.

People are Up - SET.

One commenter in the New York Times likened it to "warming up," or "re-heating" something that was made earlier -- and she finished by quoting her grandmother:  "Only sauerkraut tastes good warmed up."

Does a reboot or sequel "re-heat" an earlier show?

If a reboot or sequel isn't good, does that hurt the original show?

        That question is kind of like -- if people were married for 30 years and then they get a divorce, does that subtract all value from the 30 years they spent together?  Was it all a mistake?  Was it all a lie?

Logic tells me something in the future cannot change something in the past, either for better or worse.

        Yet still, with art many people are against "messing with" it -- and they feel by doing something with it (or to it) later on, that the original is being harmed, or de-valued.  ("They've ruined Sex and the City!!")

A good TV series is like capturing lightning in a bottle.  Whether you can do it again is always up for debate -- always a risk.

Problems with And Just Like That:

Samantha Jones (portrayed by actress Kim Cattrall) isn't in it, so instead of four friends, it's three.

Story-lines that go nowhere.

Some vulgar stuff that isn't necessary -- You Tubers complained mightily.

And to me, from what I was hearing, it sounds like the writers were at times just taking some moments, or scenes, out of the original series and shoving a replication of the scene, or a reference to it, into the new show.

Then, adding insult to injury, there are podcasts and a documentary from showrunner Michael Patrick King and some of the writers, where they discuss how great the new show is, and how great they are.

And then that just makes the You Tubers madder!  LOL.

The fashion and style of the original series was very important to a large number of fans, and they're vocally unhappy with this aspect of And Just Like That, too.  Pat Field did costumes for Sex and the City, but she is not involved with this show, so they have somebody else doing the clothes.


A commenter under one video said she has a friend who worked as stylist on various TV projects -- she said, you have to kiss the a-s of the stars and "make them feel thin" all the time.


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