Friday, February 24, 2023

philosophical humor about life


Father of the Bride showed up on Amazon Prime, so I watched it immediately before they can take it away.

(It sort of looked to me like it was there on-loan from some other streaming service, and might disappear.)

Before the movie even started, a laugh was provided by the warning in the upper-left corner of the screen:

"alcohol use, smoking, and foul language"

This is the original film, released in 1950, starring Spencer Tracy, Joan Bennett, and Elizabeth Taylor.  Smoking, and cocktails (all in the proper and correct glasses), yes, but "foul language" -- mmmh, No.  Not in 1950, my friend.

(It isn't that people didn't know how to swear back then, they just didn't put it in movies.)

Foul language.  LOL.

Are those Amazon Prime people drunk when they type on those warnings?  (Speakin' of "alcohol use") and are they "smoking?" -- smoking what?!

Then I checked to see how many re-makes of this film there have been.  The main ones:

one in 1991, with Steve Martin and Diane Keaton

and one in 2022, starring Andy Garcia, Gloria Estefan, and Adria Arjona.

So in these more recent versions (which I've not seen), there might have been "foul language."

But to stick that label on the 1950 original is a mistake that someone should have caught.


The 1950 movie was based on a book written by Edward Streeter.

A 1951 sequel titled Father's Little Dividend can be viewed on You Tube.



        An added note on the subject of swearing -- "foul language" -- in The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Season 1, Episode 3, there's a storyline where Mary is taking care of a neighbor's child, Bess.

        Bess arrives at Mary's workplace after school.  When Mary's gruff boss Lou Grant notices the little girl he asks skeptically, "Have I got an appointment with you?"


"Then what're ya doin' there?"

"I'm waiting."

Lou growls, "We're all waiting, kid," and walks away toward the broadcasting studio.

A little later Bess starts writing things down, and she asks Mr. Grant, when he comes back through the office, "What do you do here?"

He answers, "I'm the boss!"

Then he calls for Mary to come into his office.

After she shuts the door behind her, he asks, "Who's the kid?"

"She's the daughter of my downstairs neighbor, and right now she's staying with me and -- uh --"

Mr. Grant:  You may not have noticed, but I never cuss when there are kids in the newsroom.

Mary (with enthusiastic approval) -- Yes I did, I noticed that, and I want you to know that I appreciate your watching your language.

Mr. Grant (sitting back in his chair and adopting a querulous tone) --

I don't like to watch my language.  I don't like having kids in the newsroom.  I mean, I'd like to cuss right now because (pointing toward the door) that kid's out there.  But I can't cuss -- because that kid's out there.

(he stands up)

Do I make myself clear?

Mary:  I -- I think so.  You'd like to cuss.  Is that it?

Mr. Grant (with a big smile, and hands clasped in front of him) --

Ye-ss!  Very much.


Oh well, then, uh, I'll get her out of there.

Mr. Grant:

Good!  I feel a cuss coming on!


The Mary Tyler Moore Show is currently on Amazon Prime, too.


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