Wednesday, November 7, 2012

up in smoke

When we go on the internet and look for a specific piece of information that we would like to have, we seem to always get sprinkled with other pieces of information that we were not looking for -- (it's like, if we didn't have "attention deficit disorder" when we started, we will have it by the time we're done...!)

Last night -- seeking -- electoral vote count; what are the numbers -- & off to the side was a headline bumping into vision telling us that the voters in the commonwealth of Massachusetts have legalized medical -- 



Election night, felt like my top, first choice for outcome would be for the presidential candidate for whom I voted to win;
second choice, coming in right there close under the first choice:  the other candidate wins;
and last choice, bottom-of-the-barrel, what I really didn't want -- was to repeat the experience of 2000, with three months of counting and bickering ending with the Supreme Court ruling -- "er, yeah, umh, ok, it's -- Our Guy!"

When the NRA drifted onto my radar screen recently, I began to wonder if they've ever thought about changing the name of that organization.  To -- maybe -- "National Association of Gun Owners," or "National Association of people who own rifles" or -- something, because as it is, sort of sounds like -- rifles associating with one another.

INT.  Convention center meeting room.  Night.

The rifles begin arriving, entering singly and in groups through the main door.  The rifles mix and mingle, socializing, getting refreshments at the bar, greeting other rifles by wiggling their triggers.


Just learned this:  if you want to write a letter to the president, "the salutation is" -- "Dear Mr. President."  I would have thought "Dear President Obama" but...Ah-woulda thought wrong.


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