Friday, October 11, 2013

politics is art, Jack

"Jack, I've learned politics is the art of compromise.

I learned it the hard way --

I don't know if you have...."

-- President Nixon [portrayed by Anthony Hopkins in the film Nixon]

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Study Assignment for members of the U.S. House of Representatives




The Making of the President 1960
Theodore White

The Year Of The People
Eugene McCarthy

Who Stole the American Dream?
Hedrick Smith

The Party is Over
Mike Lofgren

Jane Austen.

-------  by Monday.

(So get crackin', folks.
And tea partiers, watch 'em and read 'em twice....)

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Jack, I've learned politics is the art of compromise --
I learned it the hard way --
I don'know if you have.
But let me tell you this, Jack; if you don't like it there's an election in November and you can take your money out in the open and give it to Wallace.  How about it, Jack?  Willing to do that?


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