Saturday, November 9, 2024

a voice full of money

 This week, when "Trump" "won" again, I had the Internet at home, so I could go on there & see what was happening.

When he "won" in 2016, I came home from work and couldn't get any information, because I didn't have TV, or the Internet.

Then, I thought, I could find out information by calling someone.  

I thought, I could call my friends, but they will be asleep, and I don't want to wake them up.

And then I thought I could call out to the state capital, because there are always people up and awake at motels and hotels, overnight.  People on the desk, there to answer the phone.  

So I called - any motel that I could think of.

And I asked, "Have you heard who won the presidential election tonight?"

A couple of seconds went by, and he kind of drawled, with a tone vaguely suggestive of flamboyant excess, "I have absolutely no idea"...

It was kind of like - Daisy Buchanan's voice may have been "full of money," - but this guy's voice was - full of nightclubs...


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