Sunday, January 26, 2025

cats just want to sing along


I had a CD of live concert performances by Reba McEntire around the turn of the decade - 1989 to 1990.

When I played it on my stereo in the living room, and it got to a particular song where it was a capella - (I think it was "Sweet Dreams" a big hit for Patsy Cline, written by Willie Nelson) - one of my two cats would go into the living room and roll around on the carpet and yowl-along with the song.

        The first time she did it, I set aside the work I was doing in my home office and went out to the living room, like, What is going on??

Is there something wrong with my cat?  Is she OK?

When that song was over, the - caterwauling - stopped, and everything was back to normal.

Next time I put on that CD, when it got to that song - here we go again.

Oow - woww - maahh - rahr - wowll...

        Ya never know...with cats, you have to accept a certain amount of mystery.


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