a house in Minnetonka, Minnesota
I remembered some things from the summer when I was a "summer girl" (baby-sitter and mother's helper) in Minnetonka, Minnesota, and I thought of the family that lived across the street from the family I lived with and worked for.
The people across the street had a room called a den, with books. And they had a grand piano.
One day we (I, and the little girls I watched over) were there at their house, both parents were gone, and their summer girl helped to watch the children, and I wanted to play that grand piano because there was no music in the house where I was staying, except from the radio.
I took all the decorative items on the grand piano's lid - off, and set them on the carpeted floor, and lifted the lid, so we could get the sound. And I played.
The mom came home - came in the front door, and - gasped. Because her stuff was on the floor. I hurried to tell her, No, nothing is broken, everything is fine, I just took the things off the piano so I could open the lid. It's all right.
I found her name and phone number on the Internet, and I called her today, and we had a nice conversation. She asked how I remembered these things, and I told her I write in my free time and when you write, you remember things you might not have thought of, otherwise.
She totally "got it," right away. She understood.
I shared a couple of memories, and she said, "This is nice. So - keep writing."
She said her two sons tell her not to answer phone calls from a number she doesn't know. And I said, "Now you're going to tell them you answered a call from a number you don't know, and you had a really nice conversation - and they're going to smack their foreheads and say, "Oh my God!"
She was very nice.
It was a good conversation. I think it made her happy.
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