Friday, May 24, 2013

every morning; by the mail; to my wedding...

"A place for everything, and everything in its place"
was something my Grandma Snow said,
and I was just thinking
that maybe
this might be true, too:

"A time for everything, and everything in its time."

Like -- sometimes it's the right time to be doing a certain thing; other times it's more right to be doing a different thing.

"It was time to go to England! -- England was calling...." Tina Turner said once in an interview.

When she left Nutbush, Tennessee, it was "time" to go to St. Louis.

Some time later, it was
to go to England.

-------------------------  A train going by, heading east, has a string of at least half-a-dozen cars that say "Herzog" on the sides.  (Is the train company advertising the Saul Bellow novel entitled Herzog?  Will the next train have cars with "The Adventures of Augie March" on their sides?...?)

to write
to walk
to go east
to look west
to pat the dog
to go on YouTube and listen to
the Buckingham Nicks album
and the
Rolling Stones --
"now when you're sitting there, in your silk upholstered chair"...


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