Friday, July 20, 2018

"border wall stuff won't play that well"

"I regard the Soviet Union as an opportunistic hotel burglar who walks down the corridors trying all the door handles to see which door is open."

~ Henry "Scoop" Jackson
    United States Senator from Washington State, 1953 - 1983

Scoop Jackson, R-foreground; JFK in backseat, middle

SLATE had an article Online today titled

"The Hot Seats:  Bernie and Alexandria Barnstorm in Kansas

by Jim Newell

several of the Reader Comments:

^^   Sean DeCoursey.  The Kansas 3rd.  Border Wall stuff won't play that well here.  It's a mostly suburban white collar district, home to basically all the doctors, lawyers, and IT workers in Kansas City.  The rest of the population of the 3rd is a mix low income and minorities.  

Honestly, Strawberry Hill with its big Croatian ethnic population is about the only part of town I see that going well in, and that's not nearly enough votes to offset what you'd lose in JoCo to the yoga pants crowd who likes their current gardener.

Glad to see Dems remembering that until they abandoned the district after Dennis Moore lost in 2010, they held it for 20+ years straight.  

There is incredible blowback in the suburbs against the GOP after Brownback messed up the local schools.  

     Until a few years ago Kansas had the 6th ranked public schools in the country.  People want that back.  That's why the local GOP took their party back from the Kochs and raised taxes over Brownback's veto, 

which led to him leaving office 2 years early.

Kansas is way, way more gettable for Dems than people outside the state realize.

^^   Daniel.  Allowing unchallenged conservatives to drive the conversation unopposed is what has led to Donald Trump in the White House and Republicans controlling both houses of Congress, along with many state legislatures.

An opposing viewpoint and message must be presented to rural Americans or this madness will only get worse.  The attitude of: "Why bother, we're going to lose anyway" has to change.

Put the message out there, even if 80% of the district is firmly behind Trump.  Doing nothing is not the answer.

^^   AndreaBCpart2.  I am seeing STRONG evidence that the attitude is being challenged big time.

I live in Georgia, a red ass state.  One of the things that the state Dem party is doing is making sure EVERY seat has someone running for it.  Every single one.  And they are succeeding.

^^   DanielH.  Same thing in Texas.  Lots of women running and a Democrat challenging every single race.

^^   JohnB.  I absolutely love the fact that Ms. Ocasio-Cortez has, in record time, joined Elvis, Cher and Beyoncé in the single name category.



Mueller indictment (continued)

25.     On or about April 19, 2016, KOZACHEK, YERSHOV, and their co-conspirators remotely configured an overseas computer to relay communications between X-Agent malware and the AMS panel and then tested X-Agent's ability to connect to this computer.  The Conspirators referred to this computer as a "middle server."  The middle server acted as a proxy to obscure the connection between malware at the DCCC and the Conspirators' AMS panel.  

On or about April 20, 2016, the Conspirators directed X-Agent malware on the DCCC computers to connect to this middle server and receive directions from the Conspirators.

Hacking into the DNC Network

26.     On or about April 18, 2016, the Conspirators hacked into the DNC's computers through their access to the DCCC network.  The Conspirators then installed and managed different types of malware (as they did in the DCCC network) to explore the DNC network and steal documents.

     a.     On or about April 18, 2016, the  Conspirators activated X-Agent's keylog and screenshot functions to steal credentials of a DCCC employee who was authorized to access the DNC network.  The Conspirators hacked into the DNC network from the DCCC network using stolen credentials.  By in or around June 2016, they gained access to approximately thirty-three DNC computers.

     b.     In or around April 2016, the Conspirators installed X-Agent malware on the DNC network, including the same versions installed on the DCCC network.  MALYSHEV and his co-conspirators monitored the X-Agent malware from the AMS panel and captured data from the victim computers.  

The AMS panel collected thousands of keylog and screenshot results from the DCCC and DNC computers, such as a screenshot and keystroke capture of DCCC Employee 2 viewing the DCCC's online banking information.

(Richard Burton in The Spy Who Came In From The Cold)

Theft of DCCC and DNC Documents

27.     The Conspirators searched for and identified computers within the DCCC and DNC networks that stored information related to the 2016 U.S. presidential election.  For example, on or about April 15, 2016, the conspirators searched one hacked DCCC computer for terms that included "hillary," "cruz," and "trump."  

The Conspirators also copied select DCCC folders, including "Benghazi Investigations."  The Conspirators targeted computers containing information such as opposition research and field operation plans for the 2016 elections.

28.     To enable them to steal a large number of documents at once without detection, the Conspirators used a publicly available tool to gather and compress multiple documents on the DCCC and DNC networks.  The Conspirators then used other GRU malware, known as "X-Tunnel," to move the stolen documents outside the DCCC and DNC networks through encrypted channels.

     a.     For example, on or about April 22, 2016, the Conspirators compressed gigabytes of data from DNC computers, including opposition research.  The Conspirators later moved the compressed DNC data using X-Tunnel to a GRU-leased computer located in Illinois.

     b.     On or about April 28, 2016, the Conspirators connected to and tested the same computer located in Illinois.  Later that day, the Conspirators used X-Tunnel to connect to that computer to steal additional documents from the DCCC network.

29.     Between on or about May 25, 2016 and June 1, 2016, the Conspirators hacked the DNC Microsoft Exchange Server and stole thousands of emails from the work accounts of DNC employees.  During that time, YERMAKOV researched PowerShell commands related to accessing and managing the Microsoft Exchange Server.



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