Thursday, June 24, 2021

deep down in Andromeda, close to Milky Way


recent headlines

June 15, 2021

Government UFO report is the product of years of military infighting over whether to take sightings seriously


8 hours ago

U.S. Government Prepares to Issue Landmark Report on UFOs

~ U.S. News and World Report


Why are UFOs back in the news now?  I hadn't thought about that subject in a long time.

     When I was a child, there were these phrases and ideas--maybe now they would be "memes"--about the possibility of life on other planets:  The idea that there would be "little green men" landing on earth and meeting up with some humans and saying portentously, "Take us to your leader."

     My mother said, "How would they be speaking English?"

     Good point.

Television shows explored this idea:

"My Favorite Martian"

and the 'uhny uftz' episode of "The Dick Van Dyke Show" --

both of these can be watched on You Tube.


The issues with UFOs that draw my attention are the following:

1.  If someone sees a UFO and reports it, they may be laughed at or called crazy.

2.  If someone from another planet came here, would they want to harm us or would they be friendly?

I read a couple of articles online and then the Reader Comments underneath.

     One commenter wrote, "The government should stop saying anything you saw was a 'weather balloon.'  No one believes that anymore."

     Another wrote -- We saw one as we were driving home one night.  After it disappeared my husband said to me, "Don't tell anyone."


The Big Think has an article about a "Dark Forest theory."  It basically says the reason we've not discovered other civilizations in the universe is because they try not to be noticed, for fear of being killed.  Like -- "keeping your head down," or "making yourself scarce"....

     One scientist discussing this theory adds that we, on the other hand, have "broadcasts of I Love Lucy racing across the cosmos, ready to reveal our location and sense of humor to anybody who can pick them up."

     At its conclusion, the article says:

"  "

We've been screaming our existence to the cosmos for almost one hundred years now.  Any aliens within a one hundred light year radius of us would be receiving a barrage of radio signals from our direction.  If we had reason to avoid letting aliens know about us, as Stephen Hawking thought we did, we might have a problem.

Why haven't we heard from aliens yet?  If this theory is correct, they are purposely hiding in the darkness of space for fear of death.  Should we stop broadcasting our existence to the universe?  Or would alien life be a little nicer than we've been in our history?

[end, article excerpt - Big Think]


     The Guardian has an article about a Golden Record that Nasa sent into space on Voyager 1 and 2 probes in 1977.  It was to communicate with any extraterrestrials that might be out there, and share aspects of our civilization.  (They included the song "Johnny B. Goode" by Chuck Berry!)

     Making a peaceful and positive overture to others in the universe is an interesting idea.

     This reminds me of other comments I read recently where people pointed out that if these UFOs have been sighted and some of them truly were from outer space, then if they wanted to kill us, wouldn't they have done so already?  And wouldn't they be more careful to not be seen...?

     People who have seen them often describe the object being in the sky, hovering, and then moving really really fast to one side, and then really fast up, or down, and disappearing.  Sometimes besides hovering, they kind of bob around... one commenter said they are letting themselves be seen on purpose, and trying to engage with people.  She said they seem sort of "playful."

     And then the idea struck me:  they're not hiding -- therefore, not sneaking up on us; they haven't killed us; and after traveling, somehow, from another planet or even from the future, once they get here they apparently -- just wanna dance....

Deep down in Louisiana close to New Orleans

Way back up in the woods among the evergreens

There stood a log cabin made of earth and wood

Where lived a country boy named Johnny B. Goode

Who never ever learned to read or write so well

But he could play a guitar just like a-ringin' a bell

Go go

Go Johnny go go

Go Johnny go go

Go Johnny go go

Go Johnny go go

Johnny B. Goode

He used to carry his guitar in a gunny sack

Go sit beneath the tree by the railroad track

Oh, the engineers would see him sitting in the shade

Strumming with the rhythm that the drivers made

The people passing by they would stop and say

"Oh my what that little country boy could play"

Go go

Go Johnny go go

Go Johnny go go

Go Johnny go go

Go Johnny go go

Johnny B. Goode

His mother told him someday you will be a man

And you will be the leader of a big old band

Many people coming from miles around

To hear you play your music when the sun go down

Maybe someday your name will be in lights

Saying "Johnny B. Goode tonight"

Go go

Go Johnny go

Go go go Johnny gov

Go go go Johnny go

Go go go Johnny go


Johnny B. Goode


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