Tuesday, June 7, 2022

"hope you guess my name"


recent internet comments:

Loren Renee

~ Driving around seeing flags at half staff, who are they for?  For Buffalo?  For Texas grade school children, for the copycat graduation shootings, for all of us who are traumatized because there's always another shooting long before we've recovered from the news of the last?


~ Might as well cut the upper half of all the flag poles off at this point.

Jose Gonzalez

~ Why can't we be civil and act like a normal country why do people always have to carry so much hate and ignorance in their heart.  I just don't understand why.

Rubberbandfan 1

~ It's unreasonable behavior, so I don't think there's any reason why, but we can do things to lessen the chances of these shootings happening, however the reason why we aren't doing anything is because, enough "lawmakers" get paid well by the gun lobby to do nothing.

Lorena Cabrera Vera

~ The freedom to make money on Guns is more important than the freedom of children to be safe in schools.

~ I love how the police can justify murdering innocent people but the moment they have an opportunity to actually protect lives they run away.

        I have lost any and all respect for our nation's police departments in their current state at this point.  Major reform needs to happen on every level if we don't want murderous cowards pretending they keep us safe.

~ This is one of the many problems that happens when the police are allowed to police themselves.  

Also note how they initially tried to blame the door being open on a teacher getting her phone 

before quietly admitting that that was an utter lie -- 

the door didn't lock when closed.  

They figured that if they got out there and lied up front

about their cowardice and inaction, 

they could muddy the waters enough 


skate by 

with zero accountability.  


~ Seems like the officers get their lack of courage from the leadership.


~ Do you Americans understand that this doesn't happen anywhere else in the world??  You are swimming in an ocean of guns & suffering a tornado of gun violence...

Europeans like myself cannot understand how you put up with this slaughter.

--------------- [end of comments]



Meanwhile, Texas governor Abbott blames others and makes himself the victim -- "someone gave me wrong information, I'm livid!"


Uvalde school police chief Arredondo -- hiding, apparently.

        One commentator said they are following a policy of "Wait Out The News Cycle And Do Nothing."

wait out the news cycle

the public will forget

♫ Tell me baby -- what's my name, indeed.


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