Friday, February 14, 2025

balmy California nights

West Hollywood painting

I started reading a book called Opening The Doors To Hollywood, by Carlos De Abreu and Howard Jay Smith.

This is an excerpt from Mr. De Abreu's part of the Preface:

----------------- It all started in 1991 when two friends of mine, Italian actor Franco Nero and English actress Vanessa Redgrave, were in town.  My wife and I invited them for dinner at Locanda Veneta, a small restaurant in the West Hollywood area.

        We also invited Ed Feldman, the producer of such films as Witness, Green Card, and The Doctor, and his wife Lorraine; Taylor Hackford, director of An Officer an a Gentleman; as well as Lois Bonfiglio, producer of  Old Gringo and Jane Fonda's partner.  It was one of those balmy California nights.

As always, Franco told stories about his worldwide experiences while traveling and making films.  After the main course was served, I decided to share my dream with my friends.  "I, Carlos De Abreu, am going to get in the movie business.  

My goal is to discover new writers through my contest, the 'Christopher Columbus Screenplay Discovery Awards.'  Then, with my contacts in the industry, I am going to have features made."  

The table fell silent.  

It was as if the world had stopped.  I didn't know what to do or say.  I had no option but to continue with my forceful explanation about how I was going to do it.  Vanessa finally came to my rescue and said how great she thought my idea was.

        Here I was, sitting with the real pros, from actors to acclaimed directors, and I was telling them how I was going to reinvent the wheel . . . to make movies, just like that.  

Ed Feldman pleaded with me to stay in my business - international marketing.  

Lois Bonfiglio, with a faint smile, advised me to tighten my belt for at least four years.  

Taylor Hackford just kept eating and flashed me a courteous smile of approval.

        I didn't want to admit it, but my well-meaning friends were trying to save me from agony.  It was to no avail.  I was more determined than ever to open the doors to Hollywood.

        The seed for this book was conceived that same balmy night.

--  Carlos De Abreu

"Standard West Hollywood" by Guy Yanai


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