I was thinking I might want to take a leaf from Laura Bush's "book" and try to become more calm.
I'm naturally a person with energy and enthusiasm, and that's OK, but sometimes it isn't as good, because it translates into being nervous, and tense, and having my feelings hurt easily.
When George W. Bush was running for president in 2000, there was an article about his wife, Laura Bush. It said she was known to be a very calm person, and she read a lot of books.
I have the book-reading part down; maybe I can become more calm, as well.
A week or two ago, I watched a video on You Tube that told you how to not become upset about stuff. Then I went to work and left my headphones in the hallway and after the break, they had disappeared.
I was a little upset about it. I told a co-worker that I had watched a video about how to not get upset about stuff, and then I told her how my headphones disappeared and I was ticked about it. (I realized she may have started to think, "Maybe you should watch that video - again."...)
People I admire and think of when I want to plan how to deal with stuff:
Princess Diana
Tina Turner
Jackie Kennedy.
--------------------- Maybe I can add Laura Bush to that list.
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