Tuesday, October 18, 2011

reform, please-and-thank-you

Last week someone wrote this about the "Occupy Wall Street" movement:
---------------- [quote]
They have something happening in New York City called

"Occupy Wall Street."


It's supposed to be a protest.
It's in a park.

Reading a little on the internet --
it doesn't sound like a real thing,
to me.
------------------------[end quote]
Who would write something so silly and off-base?
Oops, it was me.
(I didn't know...)

Reading about this movement, they're just talking about the same things we've all been talking of and wondering about, recent years --

I think a list of items to change is this:

reinstate the Fairness Doctrine
put the Glass-Steagall Act back in
cap run-away health care costs
infrastructure (build; do not allow to rot)
repeal "citizens united" Supreme Court decision (made legal for corps to bribe pols)
campaign finance reform
(and I add) civility -- no one talks about that except Pres. Obama (in his book) and me. That's OK ...

That's only 7.
And the only thing on that whole list that's new is campaign finance reform -- the other six are just -- put it back, put it back, put it back; do what works.

Even campaign finance reform isn't really new; John McCain rode that horse clear across the range, for decades.

It seems like it is a question of saving our democracy.

And when I look at the list, it isn't even "change" -- which can be difficult. It's only putting stuff back. That's EASY!

Like if some teenagers played in your living room and knocked stuff over and messed things up -- you could pick it up and put it back -- you know where everything goes.

OK, nation's economic problems solved -- now, what's for dinner? -- Salad!


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