Monday, September 9, 2024

...I came in from the wilderness...


'Twas in another lifetime, one of toil and blood,

When blackness was a virtue - and the road was full of mud,

I came in from the wilderness, a creature void of form,

"Come in," she said, l'll give ya - shelter from the storm"...

--  a stanza of "Shelter From The Storm," song by Bob Dylan, from the Blood On The Tracks album - 1974.

        Many people commenting on the Internet cannot understand how Matthew Perry could not be happy without drugs.  They list "fame" as one of his advantages.

        I don't know about the fame - in my mind, fame is just another thing a person must learn how to manage.  

A chore.

But the things Matthew Perry had that I thought should "make him happy" without drugs, were:

having a Fun Job (working on "Friends")

and making so much money -  from that Fun Job, that you are free from worry.



From worry.


I mean, What is better than that??

But - if you are a chaotic, addictive person, whether you are wealthy or poor or in between, you are still chaotic and addictive.

It's similar to - if a person has no money- or security-worries at all, but they are intrinsically jealous and resentful and bothered by the idea that other people - exist, no amount of ease and peace can make them happy.

Maybe we need to set aside the idea of "making people happy." 


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