Saturday, September 7, 2024

Miami thrice


a comment under a video about The Golden Girls:

-------  A couple of years ago my oldest grandson (20 at the time) stayed with us while he waited to go into the Marines.  

        In the early morning I would watch reruns of Golden Girls.  

        He would grab a cup of coffee and sit in the room with me and his laptop.  

After a few days he found himself laughing out loud and left his laptop untouched.  

It became a morning ritual for us.  

It is a fond memory for me.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  Sweet, eh?  On You Tube if you go to video clips of television shows and read comments under them, there are many capsule-stories like this.  ...Who they watched the show with.

The Golden Girls had well-written scripts, and some extravagant language, particularly when Blanche would get into one of her romantic reveries....


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