Monday, June 18, 2012

sounds crazy, no?

Last week I was playing parts of the movie, Fiddler On The Roof on the DVD player.
Then I was thinking about the business where I work, and how various aspects --
several very large and cumbersome
many small but potentially helpful or disruptive, depending on circumstance --

have to be right, in order for the process of manufacturing to take place with a reasonable amount of smoothness and ultimate success.

And then it struck me -- yesterday, I think...our business / manufacturing process is -- like a fiddler on the roof!
Like at the beginning of the show, Reb Tevye speaks to the audience:

"A fiddler on the roof...

Sounds crazy, no?
But here, in our little village of Anatevka,
you might say

every one of us is a fiddler on the roof.

Trying to scratch out a pleasant, simple tune
without breaking his neck.

It isn't easy.

You may ask,
why do we stay up there
if it's so dangerous?
Well, we stay because
Anatevka is our home.
And how do we keep our balance?
That I can tell you in one word!



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