Thursday, October 4, 2012

a good-hair day

Last night's debate:  I noticed the candidates' wives' hairstyles were similar.
Sort of -- sweeping u-u-u-p, in the front, and ba-a-a-ck over subtle bouffant back-combing, then waterfalling d-ow-wn-nn, with precise grace, and then -- stopping.

I also really liked the way President Obama and Governor Romney were very polite to each other, and shaking hands at the end and the wives -- both couples greeting each other and being very civilized.  Not that a person should expect less, or anything different, but the atmosphere / attitude in politics -- and in general, in our society as a whole -- seems to have in recent years suffered decline under various baleful influences.  So it's just -- pleasantly surprising -- like a positive "reality-check" to see Politicians Behaving Well.  Like if they would have come to me & asked me how to act during the debate, and before and afterwards, and I had given my thoughts, then what they did last night would have corresponded exactly to what I would have wanted.  (Oy--if it were a perfect world...!)

Most of the execrable talk-and-behavior comes from sections of the media-and-entertainment outlets, but then some of the actual candidates and elected officials start imitating it because they think it's popular with some of the voting public.  [God!]--(Let's hope one of the murdoch-financed pundits doesn't take off his trousers one of these days, or we may see a lamentable trend in Congress....)

Challenger Romney and Incumbent Obama set an excellent example, last night, against a background of so much bad-example-setting in politics.

Some commenters say Romney was more "on" as far as getting across to the people and that Pres. Obama was not as good, in this debate.  It crossed my mind as I listened and watched, that we had two men here -- one

wants to get
that job,

and the other one

is already burdened with--ehhr, I mean, uh-- has that job.

At one point President Kennedy said, with terse exasperation when dealing with hailstorm advice-and-criticism-and-demands around some huge issue --

civil rights?
steel strike?
nuclear war?
Cuba again...?

... take-your-pick --

"If any one of them wants this job, he's welcome to it, it's no great joy to me...."

I'm not saying Pres. Obama feels that way -- just sayin'...

wantin' the job and havin' the job are two different experiences, and if Mitt Romney gets elected president -- in 2012, or in 2016...


(So tired of politics....

when's the next debate??!!)


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