INT. Charlie Wilson's office - DAY
The assistant nicknamed "Jailbait" peeks in and addresses the congressman.
-- "Boss?"
Wilson -- "Yeah." (he looks up) "Hey, that's a nice sweater."
Miss "Bait" -- Oh, thank you. The Washington Times wants to know if you've ever been in rehab.
-- Well what are you gonna tell them?
-- That you won't go to rehab 'cause they don't serve whiskey there.
-- Well that's why you're the press secretary, Boo-Boo!
Bonnie Bach looks in: "I've got Stu on the line. Can you jump on?"
Charlie -- Yeah. (picks up phone) Hey Stu, it's me. (listens) All right. (listening) No, she's not a stripper, Stu. She just posed for the cover...(his mood and spirit seems to deflate, tired) Oh -- what the hell difference does it make?
His assistants have gathered in the office.
Bonnie -- They're talking to Crystal today.
Charlie -- Yeah.
Bonnie -- Giuliani subpoenaed the limo driver.
Charlie looks simultaneously thoughtful and slightly startled: "Oh. That's what Gus said he'd do."
Bonnie -- Well, the limo driver said he didn't see anything.
Charlie -- He didn't see anything!
Bonnie -- So Giuliani subpoenaed every limo driver between Arlington and Silver Spring to see if any of them can recall you using cocaine.
[After a stern pause, on her way out of his office, she adds] -- "Joanne Herring's on the phone."
Charlie picks it up: "Hey, you."
[Joanne's voice is heard through the phone] -- "We're all leavin' in the mornin'."
Charlie -- You're kidding?
-- No.
-- Well, what did you have to promise him?
Joanne -- There's a blind girl in jail 'cause she was raped.
Charlie -- Yeah.
Joanne -- You're gonna get her out.
-- What, I got to bust somebody out of jail?
-- Don't be stupid, Charlie. You're gonna tell Zia to pardon her. That's Doc's condition. I'll fly in tonight. Buy me a drink?
-- Yes ma'am.
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