Respect Yourself: The Stax Records Story includes the 1961 William Bell hit, "You Don't Miss Your Water" -- (type in singer and song title and listen, on the Internet) --
In the beginning
You really loved me
I was too blind
I couldn't see
But now you've left me
Oh! how I cry
You don't miss your water
Till the well runs dry
I kept you crying
Sad and blue
I was a playboy
I wouldn't be true
But when you left me
And said 'bye-bye'
I missed my water
My well ran dry
I sit and wonder
How can this be?
I never thought
You'd ever leave me
But now you've left me
Oh! how I cry
You don't miss your water
Till the well runs dry
You don't miss your water
Till the well runs dry
Each time the president-elect names another Cabinet appointee, I think, "A -- this is not working; and B - this man wants out." The impression knocks on my consciousness that Mr. Trump did not wish to take on the presidency as his job, and now he's trying to get out of it.
All these crazy Cabinet appointments --
the people he selects seem to be "against" what their agency is supposed to do --
and the appointments seem to be strategically "detonated," one after another, here, now, before the Electoral College performs its function on (I think) the 19th.
It seems like the president-elect is trying to say, "Remove this burden from me -- I am giving you a broad. Hint. I don't want it..."
On the other hand, I spoke with a friend and hard-working public servant over several decades, and he says the appointments are fine, and Trump isn't a fascist, we don't have to worry.
I hope he is right.
That would be good.
(Should I swim back from the "trump-is-a-crazy-nut" rock and back over to the "all-presidents-want-to-do-good" rock, where my more experienced associate evidently is hanging out?)
The thought occurred to me that if the Electoral College does stop Trump, then the new president-elect (Clinton? Sanders? One of the Kardashians?) should create a Jobs Committee (commission? Agency?) and put two people in charge of it, Donald Trump and someone who is disliked by Trump supporters. That way, they can
a) Keep the conflict / entertainment going, Tweeting and Twittering, and
b) Create some jobs -- do what JFK said, "get this country moving again"...
(I'm beginning to think like Mr. Trump's campaign strategists -- I put entertainment first, and serious work for the American people
I saw an interview-clip of someone who works for President-Elect Trump, Kellyanne Conway, who was criticizing U.S. Senator Harry Reid for criticizing Mr. Trump.
Ms. Conway took a battling attitude, saying Sen. Reid should be "very careful" and said the word "legal" at which point the interviewer asked if she was threatening that Trump might sue Senator Reid.
Basically she was saying the Senator should not -- say stuff. She shouted down the show's host, talking over and across him when he spoke. Two thoughts occurred to me.
1. Is this the beginning of fascistic shut-down of our freedom of speech? Or
2. Is this campaign manager imitating Mr. Trump -- shouting people down, saying stuff and then claiming that other people may not say stuff -- just imitating the bullying behavior?
I noticed that with a politician in a state where -- when he got elected, some people ran for the state legislature who were "associated with" him -- they call that "riding in on the coattails" of the other politician.
He was the leader, and he led with arrogant, bullying behavior, and the coat-tailers tried to imitate him.
Just people trying to "be somebody" instead of "do something"... It was kind of pathetic to watch. That is how some people are. ("They cannot possibly be that shallow!" "Yes they can.")
Ms. Conway called Harry Reid a "pundint."
Rhyming with "redundant," or "abundant."
"Pundit" doesn't rhyme with those words, it rhymes with "fund-it." The word has one "n" in it, in the first syllable.
Pundit is not that common a word, in general usage among humans, but among people working in politics it's a common word, and for someone with a full-time paying job working on a political campaign to mispronounce it, is kind of like if a farmer mispronounced the word "cattle." Pretty rare.
(Is Harry Reid aware that he has been labeled a "pundint"? I don't know...)
some headlines from today >>
> Trump Picks Exxon Mobil's Tillerson as Secretary of State
> Trump's Tillerson pick sparks concerns from some key GOP senators
> Rex Tillerson, ExxonMobil CEO, is Trump's choice for secretary of state
> Tillerson Confirmation Fight Could Define Trump's Early Presidency
> Secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson's ties to Russia worry GOP
USA Today
> Donald Trump Says His Company Will Do 'No New Deals' During His Term
the New York Times
> Donald Trump's Wealthy Cabinet Picks to Undergo Financial Scrutiny He didn't Face
the New York Times
> Alabama Prosecutor Sets the Penalties and Fills the Coffers
the New York Times - "In the city of Dothan, one man's grip on the criminal justice system has exacted a steep price for many."
> Senate and House Leaders Call for Inquiry of Russian Hacking in Election
the New York Times - "Senator Mitch McConnell and Speaker Paul D. Ryan said they supported the investigations, setting up a possible conflict with President-elect Trump."
Also in the Respect Yourself / Stax Records documentary: film footage of Sam and Dave
singing --
You don't know like I know
What that woman has done for me
In the morning she's my water
In the evening she's my cup of tea
Just as long as I live
Whatever's trouble to her
I go to her and like a miracle
Everything is alright
You don't know like I know
What that woman has done for me
She brings her loving home now
Just the way it's supposed to be
What she wants, she can get
But you know she's loving
'Til she's ready, 'til she's ready to quit
Will somebody help me
Just as long as I live
Whatever's trouble to her
I go to her and like a miracle
Everything is alright
You don't know like I know
What that woman has done for me
In the morning she's my water
In the evening she's my cup of tea
Nobody knows, nobody knows, nobody knows like I know
You don't know
You don't know
Nobody knows
What that woman has done ...
{written by Isaac Hayes and David Porter. Recorded by Sam and Dave. 1965}
(Type in on Google, "you don't know like I know" and that song will come right up, and then you can play it)
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