"Protesters Gain victory in Fight Over Dakota Access Oil Pipeline"
The New York Times
--------------------------------------- [excerpt, Healy article] ----------------- Though the Army's decision calls for an environmental study of alternative routes, the Trump administration could ultimately decide to allow the original, contested route. Representatives for Mr. Trump's transition team did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
Mr. Trump owns stock in the company building the pipeline, Energy Transfer Partners, but he has said that his support has nothing to do with his investment. ---------------------- [end, excerpt]
more headlines
"As North Dakota Pipeline Is Blocked, Veterans at Standing Rock Cheer"
The New York Times
"Protesters celebrate as Army halts Dakota Access pipeline work
USA Today
"The Victory at Standing Rock: What It Means, What Comes Next"
The Atlantic
Reader Comments
(the New York Times)
Lafayette, Colorado
I am overjoyed for the people of Standing Rock and their supporters. Let us not claim victory too soon however.
We need to continue to support the Water Protectors and keep the issue in view until a new route is chosen or the pipeline is abandoned. This is a wonderful first step.
Sohio Miami
Thanks to all our Native American brothers and sisters for reminding us what's truly important in this country.
Kevin Toronto
Finally some good news! Well done Water Protectors!
Snail Life Long Island, New York
Congratulations to the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and their Chairman, Dave Archambault II for showing us how the Indigenous Peoples of North America, pull together to support each other.
As a result of their strong and peaceful resistance, many different people helped to financially support their cause. I was amazed at the organization of these peoples too, as a group.
It was possible to buy supplies for them through Amazon, for example. Last but not least, congratulations to all the others who were able to help on the ground, including the fabulous Veterans, who were willing to stand on the front lines to protect the Water Protectors.
It warms my heart to see such an outpouring of empathy and action. This is not over. Please keep us informed of the progress regarding the rerouting of the pipeline.
Joe Sabin Florida
It's good this got done before January 20th. All bets are off after that. Well done to all involved!
Karen Starr Minneapolis, Minnesota
The people's voice has been heard!
Seb Williams Orlando, Florida
A long-overdue victory for people over profits.
Mary G. Smith Austin
Hallelujah. Thanks Obama.
Clearwater Oregon
This is firgging awesome rocking good news! Please let this hold...
This is a great example of what can be accomplished if we hold our ground on everything.
Bless those O.P.'s (original peoples) for having the absolute courage of their ancestors. They are amazing.
I stand here humbled by them. Humbled.
Not Again USA
The power of people to make change by standing up to authority. Don't be afraid to get involved for that which you believe to be righteous. Thank you all who stood tall and steadfast.
Tom Moore Seattle, Washington
Respect to all those brave and committed men and women who took a stand against the Dakota Pipeline. Thank you for representing so many of us who were cheering you on. And thank you to President Obama and the Corps of Engineers for being willing to do the right thing.
John Port of Spain
Please build it along an alternate route before January 20!
Catstaff Midwest
"The company building the pipeline, Energy Transfer Partners of Dallas, has said that it was unwilling to reroute the project."
Let me make a suggestion: Leave the filthy stuff in the ground altogether, as climate scientists recommend.
Problem solved.
May this disruption to the pipeline also be a reminder that energy companies do not have carte blanche over people and over land.
gary giardina New York, NY
To all those who endured almost inhuman conditions in order to resist the planned pipeline route I extend my deepest thanks and congratulations. May your efforts inspire the battles yet to come.
Kathleen Missoula, Montana
And if President Trump reverses the decision, let's hope the NYT and other newspapers -- and radio and television -- reports that he has money invested in Energy Transfer Partners. NYT, please, follow the money.
Robert Iowa
I am so happy for the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and all those who have supported their efforts. This is a major milestone in Native American history and the history of the environmental movement. Obama has become a full-fledged member of the Water Protectors. Thank you Mr. President.
The tribal Water Protectors, environmentalists, sympathizers and veterans came together to protest and protect in solidarity.
Even if the Trump Administration snatches the victory away this demonstration shows that we can make America Great the way it should be great by acting together.
Call it Democratic Populism.
Eben Spinoza SF
Reagan killed PATCO, the flight controllers union, to signal the start of his war against unions.
Trump will force the Dakota Access pipeline through to signal the start of his war against the environmental movement. This victory is likely to be short-lived.
Avalon, California
On the one hand, this is wonderful news for the season. The veterans who helped this happen are moral warriors right along with the Sioux.
And the police who refused to participate in this injustice -- to them also.
On the other hand -- that protestors can be mistreated, but veterans cannot, speaks of a tiered justice and law enforcement policy we all know is broken. On to the next protest....
Harry, Olympia, Washington
I think the Corps saw that the Tribe got short shrift from the ND Public Utilities Commission amid all the machinations to decide a route.
Maybe the Corps is making everybody go back and look again.
It is interesting that the initial route was abandoned when it became clear it could risk drinking water for the city of Bismarck.
It does seem like the current route was seen to do the least potential harm, because after all, It was just the Standing Rock Tribe.
Observer Backwoods California
A move in the right direction. Let's hope Donald Trump doesn't interfere with the Corps' decision to undertake an environmental study. He says he likes clean water, so there is certainly some hope.
Bernie Sanders: "In the year 2016, we should not continue to trample on Native American sovereignty. We should not endanger the water supply of millions of people. We should not become more dependent on fossil fuel and accelerate the planetary crisis of climate change."
Thank you, Senator Sanders, for taking a stand at the beginning of this situation in support of the Standing Rock Sioux, the water protectors, and for the health of our planet. You rock!
Long Island, New York
Regardless of Trump's viewpoint as President or as President-elect, he conceded that he had money invested in the pipeline, which constitutes an inherent conflict of interest in this particular matter.
He cannot continue throughout his Presidency like this.
He must divest himself of all of his investments and put the funds therefrom into a blind trust, run by an unrelated third party.
He is no different, no better nor worse than any one of the rest of us, the people.
Otherwise, eventually, there may be a basis for him to be impeached.
c l coleman Portland Oregon
I applaud the NYT coverage of the pipeline issue especially in light that American Indian issues are chronically ignored in mainstream press, according to researchers who study such coverage.
Kudos to Jack Healy's sensitive coverage and Timothy Egan for his op-ed contributions. The pipeline issue has been a game-changer in terms of attention paid to indigenous issues and signals a first for activists who shunned gatekeepers and seized social media to vent their frustrations.
Finally: mainstream media have paid attention.
New York City
While this is thrilling news and kudos to President Obama, I'm certain that the Orange Excrescence will reverse this since he has a fiduciary interest in the DAPL project.
Let's enjoy this victory while we can before our country as we knew it ceases to exist on January 20th.
Steve Iowa city
What our country can be: Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Chairman Dave Archambault II said, "We...commend with the utmost gratitude the courage it took on the part of President Obama to take steps to correct the course of history and to do the right thing." Enough said.
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