Wednesday, February 5, 2020

OK -- was there a ball game to go with that?

     On Monday of this week on the Internet, I encountered all these articles and videos and Comments -- about the halftime show during the Super Bowl.

     Judging from the tenor, tone, and content of people's statements and protests, I started wondering, "My goodness, what in the world went on at that halftime show?!"

Some Comments -- from New York Times readers, no less --

C.B. Taylor
Richmond, Virginia
Marge Keller, My feelings exactly!!  If you have young people watching the game with their parents and friends, it sends the wrong message.  And if you're going to do the strip club act, where are the men who could be prancing around to entertain all the women who are watching the game?

Austin, Texas
I was embarrassed watching it.  I felt that it was watching an extended commercial for the Playboy channel.  This is not something that I would want a younger person to watch.  It portrays a bad image of women.  The Super Bowl should be family entertainment.

Prizren, Kosovo
Time for the frenetic R-rated half time shows to come with a parental warning.  And for some of us who don't live and die with pop culture, it has become quite boring.  A window of opportunity to wash the dinner dishes.

Thomas B
St. Augustine
I'd rather see a marching band at halftime--Michigan, USC, Notre Dame or whatever.  You know, like a football game.

Orange County, California
Why can't she just sing and dance in regular clothes?  Why half naked?  Who is objectifying who?  ..#MeToo chime in any time..

Tawdry and vulgar--like the "Superbowl" itself.

Doesn't Jennifer Lopez have parents?

south Delaware
I can't support a violent sport like football.  Too many players are getting brain damaging CTE's and what is happening to the women's outfits or lack of. 

I thought this was supposed to be a family show i don't know why with all the violence and now almost naked women and singer the rating should be xxx.  

How about cleaning up your act cover up at least.  

The sport and the almost naked women are now profoundly immoral like our president.

-------------------------- (What??!!  How did the president get dragged into this??)

There's nothing wrong with wanting to look fit and healthy at any age.  Acting like a cat in heat in front of a world audience is something else altogether tho.

------------------------ (What???!!!!  How did the cats get dragged into this????!!!)

I truly am not a prude, but the outfits and dance moves were pretty gross . . . in 1990 you'd have to go to a strip club to see something like that.  I can see how this fits into the hyper-marketing of pro football as a spectacle, but it just demeans the viewer as much as the performer.  Society becomes evermore crass . . . 

Emory, Virginia
Forget "Dress your age."  It would be far better if people would speak and think their age.  

The halftime show was ugly - just a show of revenge by the wealthy, male, sponsors and producers against the #MeToo movement and a show of support for our ever genius Leader Trump.  BAH.

------------------------- (Duck, Donald!)


     Then after a while, the tide started to turn in the Comments:

Reading many of the comments makes me wonder whether the Puritans arrived a few days ago, rather than some four centuries ago.

This was the Super Bowl people - not a night at the Philharmonic.  Lighten up!


     Then I used my tablet to go on You Tube and watch the 2020 halftime show, starring Jennifer Lopez and Shakira.  After the Comments I had read, I was prepared for Something Bad, although I couldn't imagine either of these entertainers doing something bad, yet I certainly had the impression -- 'Wow, a lot of people are really upset'...

     I watched it, and thought it was good.  Thought, "did the Commenters watch the same show I watched? -- Did I miss something?"  Watched it again.  Costumes -- dancing -- singing...  There are problems to worry about in today's world, but that half-time show was not one of them.
     (It's like that "99 problems" expression -- "I got 99 problems, but the super bowl halftime show is not one of them"...)


You Tube Comments:

 ~  The tongue action is called "trilling" and it is done at Egyptian and Moroccan (amongst other middle eastern locations) weddings and celebrations, I saw an amazing display of Latina-Caribbean and Middle Eastern as well as Central African dance moves.  

I'm so proud right now.  #migente 

I took Afro American Caribbean dance my first year in college (1992) and we studied all types and I can tell you, this is an amazing show and nothing less than a spectacular lesson in culture and art in motion.  Respect that.


 ~  Esteph Alba
Now yall know why Latino parties last till 6 am the next day....

 ~  I'm a European I only watch half time show.

 ~  I'm so happy she performed ojos asi, even if it was for a few seconds

 ~  Latin art, The Arabic art, African art -- Really great performance.  Art always makes life appear more peaceful, innocent and pure

 ~  loved all the culture being represented and tributed in this performance it was great.

 ~  Jesus Luz
     Latinos always showing us how to slay it!!  We have the energy and happiness the world is needing!!!



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