Monday, January 4, 2021

please, New York Times!


Reader Comments in today's Times:



Please, NYT, Trump and the Republicans' attempts to destroy democracy in America is not "unjustified" and "brazen".  It is criminal and seditious.  How long did it take for you to allow his lies to be called lies?  Our country needs truth, not bothsiderism.



Truly, doing the right thing shouldn't be such a test.  Trump and his minions are absolutely in the wrong, and Congressthings are either for or against at this point.  Just do the right thing, folks.



These "Republicans" participating in this Coup attempt should be barred from ever holding public office again.  Their employment should be terminated immediately, their citizenship eligibility should be reviewed and potentially revoked.  

     There is no need to allow the American version of the Taliban to grow any further.  It is time to move back in the direction of a healthy Democracy.


New York, NY

The economic wing of the Republican Party has always kept the populist wing at bay, other than an occasional pander for votes.  They need the populist wing as they vote and don't look any closer than the marquee positions.  The economic wing can then pass tax cuts and destroy consumer protections with impunity.  

Sadly for the economic wing, the populist wing is off the leash and being baited by the head of the GOP.  They aren't used to this and don't know what to do....

JD Athey


Here's the really terrifying thought:  If the House had not gone Blue in 2018, there would be no controversy now.  No amount of protesting by Democrats would make any difference.  

With Congress in Republican hands, they would simply select new electors, change the Electoral College outcome, and Trump would remain as president and dictator-in-waiting.  Putin could then be invited to the Oval Office for a celebration.



This was my first thought this morning when I heard about everything going on.  And with it, the fear that if Republicans win the House back in '22 (which seems possible if not likely with the map they'll have), they could coup successfully 4 years from now.



The solution may be simpler than it looks.  Murkowski, Portman and Blunt should simply switch parties....



As an Independent who voted for Biden, I'd love to see something like this.  Reasonable Republicans forming a governing coalition with centrist/moderate Democrats, so the far left and far right couldn't hold up all the legislation we need over the next several years.


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