Thursday, July 14, 2011 his life

Of her brother Pres. Kennedy, Eunice Shriver said she could "never remember Jack being sad in his life."

Jack Kennedy rarely had a pain-free day in his life.


Those two sentences were in my mind, and when I put one together with the other, I thought, "That's kind of striking." ...When one considers those two observations together and in relation to each other. ...

Various philosophers, psychologists, self-improvement gurus tell us to empower ourselves by choosing how we are going to think about things. Like -- select your viewpoint. Proactively make the choice to have a positive attitude.

The two sentences at the top, describing the same person, seem to illustrate that point.

When you read about Kennedy, or watch a TV program, & you hear about the health problems he had, it's pretty overwhelming. Addison's Disease -- some kind of autoimmune something-or-other, and other things too. He needed a rocking chair -- that helped the back pain -- and a special mattress, and on and on. And yet, opposite of all the symptoms and discomfort, he mostly left an impression of "vigor" -- energy, power, and strength.

Whereas people thought they were seeing an example of physical health and fitness -- what they were actually witnessing was maybe, more, the results of inner (mental) enthusiasm and determination.


Jack Kennedy "rarely had a pain-free day in his life."

Eunice Shriver: She could "never remember Jack being sad in his life."


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