Wednesday, February 29, 2012

at our peril

Reading reviews of a new kind of pizza, I came across the following Comment:

"this pizza is very tasty and seemed like a gourmet item.....I will defiantly order it again and recommend it to friends"

Am pretty sure he meant he would "definitely" order it again...
yet am enjoying mental picture of a customer
"defiantly"ordering pizza.

("Bring us another of the spinach-with-feta-cheese pizzas!
"You bring us that pizza, or else!"...)


Delicately dexterous and ready to deal.

On the heels of competitively dramatic and scary Winter Storm Warning-forecasts etc., snow fell.

(We waited breathlessly.)
Heavy, wet slush-blanket.
Sans street- and road-maintenance, vehicles bostled about (I'm inventing the word "bostle" -- a combination of bumped, jostled, blundered and struggled),
bouncing, sliding, gyrating, with drivers becoming increasingly irate and actually driving faster, on (and in) the treacherous, slidy, slickery mush that sucks at tires, like quicksand, and throws you spinning, like gravel.

Just when calm common sense would tell us to ease forward slowly, with care, to avoid going out of control, people were instead careening wildly, tearing forward on the bumpy, ice / snow combination. In a 5-minute journey, drivers of three different vehicles tried to end my life, as I drove to work today.

A potato chip truck bore down on me, closing in, I could see in rear-view mirrow. On a downtown street where speed limit has got to be no more than 20, 25....A red light in front of me told me I'd have to stop; the hurtling 10-wheeler (or whatever) in back of me told me I was going to die. Now.

In the next block, an expensive-looking vehicle (good insurance, surely) took up the chase, barreling toward the trunk of my Buick, & I thought, "Go ahead. Make my day."
Then out on the highway a truck with elec. co. logo on side rode my bumper, & I thought, "Just pass, it's a four-lane forChrist'ssake...GO AROUND!!"

These drivers are just so angry.
I too think it's bogus that our tax-supported entities with street-clearing equipment do not do their job of clearing the streets. (Are they on strike? Are they protesting something? Is it civil disobedience?)
I agree with these angry drivers; they're not wrong; but channel the anger, folks.

Speak with your city govt. or county govt. or state, or whomever is remiss on winter-time street maintenance. Don't run over me. That's just acting out.


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