Tuesday, September 18, 2012

work the phones 'til you go

HARRY ROSENFELD surveys the scene from his office doorway as

WOODWARD approaches, hangs his coat at his desk, not far

from where ROSENFELD is standing.

Where's that cheery face we've come
to know and love?

You call me in on my day off because
some idiots have broken into local
Democratic Headquarters--tell me,
Harry, why should I be smiling?

As usual, that keen mind of yours
has pegged the situation perfectly.

(chomps on some Maalox

Except (a) it wasn't local Democratic
Headquarters, it was National
Democratic Headquarters--

(WOODWARD is surprised--
he hadn't known)

--and (b) these weren't just any
idiots, these were special idiots,
seeing as when they were arrested at
2:30 this morning, they were all
wearing business suits and Playtex
gloves and were carrying--

(consults a piece of

--a walkie-talkie, forty rolls of
film, cameras, lock picks, pen-sized
tear gas guns, plus various bugging

(puts paper down)

Not to mention over two thousand
dollars, mostly in sequenced hundred
dollar bills.


Preliminary hearing at Superior



Two o'clock, work the phones 'til
you go.


{excerpt, All The President's Men script, written by William Goldman}


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