Thursday, April 11, 2013

the rugs of time

Leadership and Motivation
(or, Doing the Opposite of What Works)

'Twas the season
for unreason
When action countered
the comprehended policy
and made them wonder
what was under
the fuss and fumble,
pills and mumble
The smirk, the smug
Words and money
swept under the rug
Scheduled, demanded,
and insisted upon by same delinquent that cried, "get business!" how could they get it, when fungus used up all their time and energy on demoralizing room-fuls of Nothing, striving to engender controversy between people who should have been team-mates encouraging one another, saying with a satisfied leer after a near physical fight, "That's been coming for a long time!"

"It'll never change."
"I haven't had a raise in ten years."
"They don't feel better than you."
"It'll ne-e-e-eh-ver change."

Pessimism institutionalized;
hopelessness running amok

"the best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity"
-- W.B. Yeats



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