Thursday, January 30, 2014

slip out the back way


Mrs. Kraft and her daughter Heather entering and being escorted to chairs in the waiting area by Peter Lowenstein from the county prosecutor's office.

In the next scene in
Police Detective Oscar Grace's Office,
Grace tentatively questions his friend Ned Racine.

Lowenstein enters:

"He's mad, isn't he?"

RACINE:  Nooh, no -- I'm not mad.  Why should I be mad just because my friend here, who I've known for years, wants to know of my whereabouts on the night of our recent local murder?

--------- He's perspiring.  So is everyone.

LOWENSTEIN:  Well -- it's not so recent anymore.  Maybe he's feeling a bit of - pressure.  

--------------- He drinks from a short glass bottle of Coca-Cola.


GRACE:  This whole damn case is getting crazy.

LOWENSTEIN:  Did you tell him about the glasses?
GRACE:  No...
LOWENSTEIN:  Seems Walker always wore glasses -- steel-rimmed glasses....But there were none on the scene.  Coroner says they should've been there. ...

And meanwhile Mrs. Kraft and her little girl Heather wait, in the room outside.  Lowenstein says the child has been brought in to "tell her story" about catching her Aunt Matty with some guy out on the patio, when she stayed there.  (This is turning into one big "Uh-oh"'s so tense...)  Oscar gives Ned an opportunity to "slip out the back way" instead of walking past the girl.

(Little noiseless footsteps in the dark.  EXT. - WALKERS' PATIO - NIGHT.  "Aunt Matty?")

Racine nods toward the waiting area, and tells Oscar, "I'll go out this way."

{Body Heat, screenplay by Lawrence Kasdan}


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