Open lists the 20 members of U.S. Congress who received the most money (in campaign contributions) from the insurance industry, during the year 2016:
Kevin Brady, Republican - Texas
Kelly Ayotte, Republican - New Hampshire
Bernie Sanders, Democrat - Vermont
Ron Johnson, Republican - Wisconsin
Mike Crapo, Republican - Idaho
Blaine Luetkemeyer, Republican - Missouri
Richard Neal, Democrat - Massachusetts
Patrick McHenry, Republican - North Carolina
Johnny Isakson, Republican - Georgia
Ron Wyden, Democrat - Oregon
Patrick Tiberi, Republican - Ohio
Tim Scott, Republican - South Carolina
Kevin McCarthy, Republican - California
Richard Burr, Republican - North Carolina
Pat Toomey, Republican - Pennsylvania
Charles E. Schumer, Democrat - New York
Rob Portman, Republican - Ohio
Ted Cruz, Republican - Texas
Paul Ryan, Republican - Wisconsin
Marco Rubio, Republican - Florida
Today's New York Times had an article, "Trump Suggests Repealing Health Law Now and Replacing It Later" -- after reading it, two thoughts occurred to me:
1. The headline starts with "Trump" but the health-care proposals are not coming from him; he is not a politician; the Republicans in Congress are sort of trying to use him -- to piggyback on his electoral victory, to pass something, except they do not appear to me to be really very sure of what they would like to pass.
They have in recent years been so heavily reliant on a position of "against President Obama" that now, "Minus-Obama," they don't really know what to do. To Congress members' constituents, the hard-working Americans, this does not seem to signal diligence, sincerity, or competence.
And 2. As for Congress, Let's take away their health insurance and health-care, which we working-Americans pay for with our taxes. (Hello?!) It's as if they are just "looters."
Reader Comments, NYT
Slim Pickins Internet
----------- ...Washington no longer represents/cares about Americans.
Soildoc Asheville, North Carolina
----------- What I'm getting ready to say to my NC Senators (Burr and Tillis) -- I am a resident of North Carolina. I want to register my vehement opposition to a repeal of the Affordable Health Care Act. To deny citizens their health insurance would be a despicable act carried out by a cast of cowards.
Please join me and call your senators.
Sha Redwood City
------------- Let them do it and own it.
Keith Bishop San Jose
------------ I have a totally Insane and crazy idea....... Work with the Democrats to fix issues with the ACA.
Maybe I should be locked up in a padded cell.
The 1% Covina
-------------- I'd like to remind everyone that the 7 years of anti-Obamacare rhetoric was simply a way of campaigning [to a certain audience] to win ... votes.... It had nothing to do with health care.
Now that they actually have to try and govern I truly wish they'd change their diapers and get on with it.
Susan NYC
---------- By all means repeal it. And then when potentially millions will lose their coverage and are stuck in limbo, then tell your doctors and hospitals to send your bills to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. to the attention of Donald J. Trump. And have all of your bills stamped in big red letters: