-------------> Last night a news story appeared: The husband and the son of federal judge Esther Salas were shot in their home Sunday afternoon -- the husband in critical condition; the son dead.

Judge Salas had been assigned the Jeffrey Epstein-Deutsche Bank case, in the previous week.
------------> Today this dropped: "Dead Attorney With Rage Against Women Eyed in Killing of NJ Federal Judge's Son"
In other words -- the dead guy did it...?
Oh - kay.
The lawyer who was found dead in Sullivan County north of NYC seems like a distraction. My thoughts lean toward the Deutsche Bank thing.
Karimi v. Deutsche Bank

A man dressed up as a Fed Ex delivery person apparently walked up to the judge's home in New Jersey, rang the doorbell, and shot the husband when he opened the door. Then shot the son, who was running to help his dad.
Internet Comments
~ This was Epstein's buddies at work. That judge was assigned Epstein's case.
~ Left her alive just to send a message.
~ This judge was just put on the Epstein case. The rich pedophiles are sending a message.
~ The judge was overseeing the case involving a BANK tied to Epstein's financing.
~ He even had the FED-EX truck. In a few days they'll try to play it off like some crack head she sentenced had a grudge. Lmfao
~ Why am I hearing the theme song from The Sopranos in my head right now?
~ Just like the movie "The International"
~ I'm sure this has nothing to do with organized crime *massive eyeroll*

~ I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often. You can easily find out where judges live online thru public records. I feel like judges shouldn't use real name and they should be given aliases.
~ I've wondered what it'd be like to live in Mexico. Now NJ is close enough.
~ Yes she was assigned the epstein Dutch Bank case four days ago.
~ when you work on the front lines for a prison state that jails more than any other in the world per capita....you take your chances.
~ targeted hit, has to do with her being assigned the epstein case, unbelievable.
~ In New Jersey I think they call that "sending a message."
~ Not even going to pretend another suicide storyline?
Just straight up assassinations now?
~ Russian mob tactics.

~ In broad daylight for all to see!
There is no one to stop them.
We get the message.
The fascists are in control.
There is no one to stop them.
~ Well, she will need an appropriate time to grieve. Now the case may now be assigned to another federal judge. Perhaps a newly minted judge that comes highly recommended from Mitch McConnell would have a fresh set of eyes.
~ Putin's tactics in action on American soil: hit jobs.
~ It smells like a frame up. Fake media and cops happen to find a dead man as their suspect. LOL
~ so two lawyers are dead, hmmm... the accused shooter was probably dead first
~ I'm over 2020... it's enough already

~ Wow. That's the last time I complain about a roughed up package from FedEx!
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