Thursday, May 23, 2024



actress Vanessa Kirby as Princess Margaret

When I watch "The Crown" I sometimes see objects in the palace rooms that I can't identify.  I don't know what they are.

        In the "Gloriana" episode in Season 1, there's a scene where Princess Margaret is listening to the radio as her first love, Peter Townsend, speaks to the press and announces that, "mindful of the church's teaching that Christian marriage is indissoluble," they will not be getting married.  (Because he's a Divorced Person.)

In the room where Margaret is sitting, alone, there's a big fireplace, and on either side of it there's a thing.  (I don't know what they are!  Things!  ...Thing One and Thing Two...?)

They stand on the floor, and it's a wooden pole going straight up - taller than the mantelpiece.  On each of the poles is a rectangular picture-frame type of Thing, with curly, scalloped edges.  Inside of the frame is an egg-shaped picture, of - greenery, or leaves, or something.  The egg-leaf picture is in the center, and around it, before you get to the curly frame, is blank matte.

        The frame is the same dark brown as the pole.

        The two things are identical.

I was wondering if these things might have some use - like if there was space in it, or on it, for keeping items, like documents or something, but it doesn't look like there is anything like that - the two identical Things are just for decoration.  To help make the room grand.


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