Tuesday, June 18, 2024

a dependable actress


Elizabeth Montgomery

In the Bewitched E True Hollywood Story (made in 1998 or so) the actress Liz Sheridan, a friend of Elizabeth Montgomery, said that she (Montgomery) "wanted to be respected as a dependable actress, and not just do comedy."

(I don't agree with the idea that if you're in a comedy, you're "just doing comedy."  There is no "just" - it's difficult, and not everyone can do it.

        Some people tend to think acting in drama is "better" in some way, than comedy.  

        WHY?  To me, I think Comedy is the Best!) 

Crime reporter Edna Buchanan said of Elizabeth Montgomery, "She just had a certain glow.  So many stars - when you see them on the screen, they're bigger than life.  They have this magic and charisma.  But - if you met them on the street, you wouldn't look at them twice.  

        They had the magic on the screen, but - she had it all the time."


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