Friday, June 7, 2024

assembly-line humor


"I Love Lucy" was a situation comedy that was on TV in the 1950s.  

That was before I was born, but I heard of it when I was a little kid in the 1960s.  And saw it a few times, in my childhood - once on my Grandma and Grandpa Snow's TV, I think....

"Lucy" was Lucille Ball, an actress who played in movies in Hollywood's "golden age" - 1930s and 1940s.

In the 1950s she and her husband Desi Arnaz had the sitcom "I Love Lucy" - and it was the early days of television ... along with Milton Berle and whatever....

Lucy went on to have two more situation comedies after "I Love Lucy" - "The Lucy Show" in the early 1960s, and "Here's Lucy" in the late 1960s and early 1970s.  Each of these shows went for six years.

Anyway - "I Love Lucy" had an iconic episode where she and her friend Ethel get a job at a factory where they make chocolates and wrap them up.... it's an assembly line....

Go on You Tube, and type in

I Love Lucy | Lucy and Ethel At The Chocolate Factory

...and watch.  It's funny.  

        Although - if you work in Quality Assurance, maybe you should skip it, because if you watch, you might get traumatized and have to go into therapy... the unsanitary... - you don't want it, take my word for it...OY!

Lucille Ball


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