Sunday, June 30, 2024

say what you will

Fatal Attraction is on Netflix.

The movie stars Michael Douglas and Glenn Close.  It came out in 1987.

Looking at clips from it on You Tube, I came across this Comment:

~  Say what you will about Cluster B disorders; they are sexy and intoxicating...until the death threats begin.

..."sexy and intoxicating"...

other Comments:

~  Movie looks so fresh, it's hard to believe this classic movie came out 36 years ago.  Take the shoulder pads out of the clothes and swap cigarette packs for mobile phones on the table and it could've been today.

~  Eerie the way she cradles his hand while she lights up.

~  When two people play with fire

~  Glenn Close..impressive performance....she was so convincing.  Her voice her eyes her hair

~  I remember this movie coming out and all the guys in the ad agency where I worked were scared to death.  Especially in advertising and PR agencies there was lots of playing around.  It was funny times.

~  Back in the days where you could smoke in a restaurant

~  Yep, you could smoke in restaurants, hospitals, airplanes, and even while grocery shopping.  Was such a different era!

~  This movie was made at "Peak Humanity."  The very peak of existence for everything on this earth. ...After the 80s the world collapsed and is now in free fall to destruction

------------------------  The suspense in the movie is masterful.  Watching it, I thought of Alfred Hitchcock's films.


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