Sunday, June 2, 2024

Honey West


On You Tube there are some videos tagged with the description, "unaired pilot."

The pilot is the episode they film to show to studio executives and see if it can become a series that's on the air.

If the show gets "picked up," as they say, then the 'pilot' episode might be shown on television, or it might not.  If it's not, then it's the "unaired pilot."

There's an unaired pilot labeled "Honey West."

I had never heard of that.

        Honey West is the name of a woman (a TV show character)  who is a private detective, and she has some of the same qualities and accoutrements of 1960s television and movie spies - she is strong, has ju-jitsu skills (flipping a guy over her shoulder onto the floor), and unexpected gadgets - like a lipstick she takes out of her purse, and you think she's going to apply it to her lips, but instead she talks into it:  it's a two-way radio disguised as a lipstick...!

In the pilot, this man is stealing jewelry in a hotel room and the closet (closet??!!) door opens and Honey West exits it, with a gun in her hand.  [This is not what we mean when we say "coming out of the closet"...]

The man says, "Who are you, by the way?  I hate being arrested by strangers."

She says:  "Honey West."

- "Honey West.  Well, well, well... A girl private eye.  Don't you know a woman's place is in the home?"

- "This is no time for a proposal.  Just hand over the loot."

- [sigh] "I guess you can't win 'em all"...


This dialogue caught my attention.

"Honey West" was picked up and the series ran for one year.

        I thought it was from the 1950s, by the look of it, but it ran in - what do I know...?


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