Tuesday, June 11, 2024

lemme do a re-write, and I'll give it to ya


Elizabeth Montgomery; William Asher

In the 1990s there was a show called the "E True Hollywood Story."

Its opening music was intense and spooky, with insistent rhythm and the sound of helicopters overhead. ...

        They made one episode about the TV series Bewitched.

It completely captivated me.  I recorded it on VCR tape and watched it several times.

        Now it is on You Tube.  With the title, "Bewitched" - Behind the Scenes.  Uploader / channel:  Mima 1999. 

        After television producer and director William Asher and actress Elizabeth Montgomery got married, Mr. Asher brought the idea to his wife that they do a TV show together.  Bewitched was the result.

In the E-True program William Asher says the original script was "very heavy, very witchy"... he said, "Let me do a re-write, and I'll give it to you."  

Something about the way he said that stuck with me.


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