Thursday, October 3, 2024

a thirty-five year old man is not easy to live with


It was interesting to me, to read that JFK told his family about Jackie's newspaper column.  And later in an interview Jackie's first fiance, John Husted, referred to her work as an "insipid little column."

Insipid is one of those words that you hardly hear in conversation - I don't think I've ever heard anyone say it - but you read it sometimes.  

- - - - - - - Definition:  lacking in qualities that interest, stimulate, or challenge; dull, flat

LOL.  Nice guy.  When he said that, was 26 years later, in 1978.

        So - after starting out a career in a somewhat unique way, she quit when she married Jack Kennedy in 1953.  ...Having initially assured her employer she wasn't just marking time until marriage...

        It was a 1950s thing, many people thought you couldn't do both.

Also, reflecting on the situation - Kennedy was a U.S. Senator from Massachusetts; if his wife continued her newspaper column, political competitors might have jumped all over anything she wrote, I don't know...

        Meanwhile, during their engagement, one of Jack's friends counseled Jackie, saying, "A thirty-five year old man is not easy to live with."

        They were 12 years apart in age.


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