Thursday, December 10, 2009

Glad you got 'em

and speaking of Good Conversation --

last year in the spring the plant where I work laid off a hundred workers (seasonal thing)

I noticed a phenomenon -- remarks made, and conversation-openers I was encountering around town --

and somehow I was inspired to share an observation with a man who works here.

Thought he would -- or might -- appreciate the point of view I offered, and the way I planned to tell it.

And what I found was, he answered mine with one that was better -- and he had not had time to prepare!

I said, "You know, I have always thought that a greeting was something like, 'Hi how ya doing' or 'Hello, nice to see you.'

Well lately in the last two weeks people around town have been greeting me with,
'Ehrm, I hear there've been some lay-offs at the plant!'

You know, their tone just dripping with eagerness, or knowingness, or something, you know? As if they're going to start rubbing their hands together in glee."

His expression changed right away, and a slight look of disgust passed across his features.
I added some comment, analyzing it: like, somehow at times people like to hear of something bad happening to someone else, for some psychological reason -- like, at least it's not happening to them, or something....

And this man came back with this, right on the spur of the moment, off the top of his head:

He told me, "Lou Holtz gave an interview once..."
I was looking mystified...
"Do you know who Lou Holtz is?"
"A coach at Notre Dame."

"So -- " he continued, "when he went to Notre Dame, they'd been having some problems.
He was asked, in the interview, what he was going to do about the problems.
And Lou Holtz says, 'Let me tell you about problems.

When you've got problems,
and you talk about them,
you find --

that 30% of the people don't care.

And the other 70% are glad you've got 'em.' "


I found that funny -- laughed, & re-told it.
And then wondered, later, Why do I think that's funny?
It's freakin' depressing!

One of those cynical truths which, when told right, makes you laugh.

One of Life's Mysteries.

Mysteries and Gifts.


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