Thursday, September 24, 2015

is greed perhaps not-so-good?

Headlines:  The New Pope Comes To America

a few Reader Comments from Wed., 9-23, the day before the speech to Congress:

(from Long Island) -- I hope ALL the presidential aspirants...are in the audience when the Pope visits the Congress tomorrow.  Some could get some tips on how to behave, and communicate, in public.

(Santa Monica, California) -- Nice, and new to the century, a pope who stresses all of the teachings of Christ.

Especially about the poor and justice.

Perhaps Congress might model that behavior.

---------------------- (Vanessa) -- The Pope's priority, clearly, is simple goodness.  It includes the Common Good, something that hasn't been given a lot of attention in recent times. 

Those who believe in profit at any cost don't like the idea of the common good....

And just as importantly, Pope Francis has recognized that belief isn't necessarily a requirement for someone to be filled with goodness. 

Is there any doubt at all about how those who would boycott the Pope's presence in Congress feel about the Common Good?


(Maryland) -- "Pope Francis introduced himself to the United States on Wednesday with a bracing message on climate change, immigration and poverty..."
--------------- All of the above can be attributed to over-population. 

This is the biggest problem facing humanity and the Catholic church fails to address it.  In wealthy nations, most Catholics ignore the Catholic church's teaching on birth control,

but in poor countries women continue to have more children than they can afford. ... The Pope has addressed other thorny issues, it's time he started talking about the genesis of the problem:  too many people.

(NY)  At last, a pope for whom "respect for life" ... includes the hungry, the sick, prisoners, victims of war and those risking everything to flee from it. 

At last, a pope for whom "personal responsibility" ... includes environmental stewardship, individual and corporate greed, care for the poor and the otherwise vulnerable.

{Reader Comments from 9-24-15 New York Times}


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