Thursday, October 8, 2020

strangers on the road


He was dangerous before and the steroids will make him even more so.

~ internet comment


Chapter Two of the Pope's encyclical has the title, "strangers on the road" (which somehow reminds me of a song by The Doors).

[excerpt from the short summary]

     ...The Pope emphasizes that, in an unhealthy society that turns its back on suffering and that is "illiterate" in caring for the frail and vulnerable, we are all called--just like the Good Samaritan--to become neighbours to others, overcoming prejudices, personal interests, historic and cultural barriers.  

We all, in fact, are co-responsible in creating a society that is able to include, integrate and lift up those who have fallen or are suffering.  Love builds bridges and "we were made for love", the Pope adds, particularly exhorting Christians to recognize Christ in the face of every excluded person.

[end, excerpt / encyclical, chapter 2 summary]



"The Election That Could Break America"

by Barton Gellman

The Atlantic


...Trump was panicked enough by the blue shift in somebody else's election to fabricate allegations of fraud.

In this election, when his own name is on the ballot, the blue shift could be the largest ever observed.  Mail-in votes require more time to count even in a normal year, and this year there will be tens of millions more of them than in any election before.  

Many states forbid the processing of early-arriving mail ballots before Election Day; some allow late-arriving ballots to be counted.

Trump's instinct as a spectator in 2018--to stop the count--looks more like strategy this year.  "There are results that come in Election night," a legal adviser to Trump's national campaign, who would not agree to be quoted by name, told me.  

"There's an expectation in the country that there will be winners and losers called.  

If the Election Night results get changed because of the ballots counted after Election Day, you have the basic ingredients for a shitstorm."


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