On the Miami Herald.com site, a July 11, 2016, story written by Mary Ellen Klas is headlined:
"Sugar's decades-long hold over Everglades came with a price
The industry spent more than $57 million over 22 years to influence Florida campaigns
Records show Big Sugar was consistently one of the largest contributors to both Republicans, Democrats
Industry's clout helped it to transfer clean-up costs and postpone deadlines"
Reading further on the site,
it says:
"Today, Clearwater is carrying forward Pete Seeger's legacy, partnering with schools and community leaders to raise the bar of environmental education, realizing that this time the health of the Hudson River must go hand in hand with creating a sustainable world of green jobs in a green economy.
Clearwater's unique approach to public outreach has made the sloop Clearwater a symbol of grassroots action through hands-on learning, music and celebration."
A bunch of people should go down to Florida and start cleaning up the pollution. I don't know how they would clean it, but there must be local environment organizations and experts, the Audubon Society, college professors, and journalists who could teach people what to do.
Anyone unemployed or underemployed and people who are economically secure, or retired, and don't need to work for a living could just -- head to Florida. Bring a banjo, a guitar, sleeping bag. Get the "party started," so to speak.
The Florida Effort could combine the principles of the Hudson River Sloop Clearwater, and Woodstock.
Local Law Enforcement people could help, too, by providing Security, and also helping with the actual work, because they would have greater knowledge of the environmental challenges since they live there. They could help teach people what to do in the Clean-Up.
Celebrities could get involved. I don't know whether they would know how to really do things, but they could Appear Nearby in order to highlight the effort, and all the good work.
They could "Tweet"...
---------------------- A website called "Bullsugar" gives information about the pollution problem in Florida, and some of the approaches to solving the problem. ...
Did you get any of my emails/replies?? I responded to your Sept 5 email several times - don't know if they're getting to you or not.